Recommendation 1:   Any future revision of the contract should simplify and focus on delivery of outcomes, rather than prescribing how outcomes are achieved

Recommendation 2:   Sodexo should strengthen its subcontractor oversight processes to ensure optimal service delivery

Recommendation 3:   The Department and Sodexo should work together to address infrastructure shortfalls at Melaleuca

Recommendation 4:   Increase senior management resources at Melaleuca

Recommendation 5:   Increase custodial staffing levels, particularly in the units

Recommendation 6:   Review overtime pay rates

Recommendation 7:   Increase staff training

Recommendation 8:   Upgrade the fence between Hakea and Melaleuca to improve screening and reduce risk

Recommendation 9:   With due regard for prisoner safety, ensure the privacy and dignity of all prisoners in the CCU

Recommendation 10: Increase resources, training, and support for Melaleuca’s case management function

Recommendation 11: The Department must ensure that both Bandyup and Melaleuca deliver programs which meet prisoners’ needs and Prisoners Review Board expectations

Recommendation 12: Install dedicated education infrastructure

Recommendation 13: Appoint an education manager to oversee education at Melaleuca

Recommendation 14: Ensure Melaleuca has an arrangement with an RTO to provide certified education and vocational training courses

Recommendation 15: Introduce a position to oversee training, supervision, and support for prisoners employed as cleaners

Recommendation 16: Formalise Food Star Pty Ltd One Star Level food safety and hygiene training for all prisoners at Melaleuca

Recommendation 17: Ensure that a range of organised sport and recreational activities are run regularly

Recommendation 18: Provide a modern library service, including up-to-date legal resources and computers for the preparation of legal matters

Recommendation 19: Provide regular family visits

Recommendation 20: Increase family support services

Recommendation 21: Ensure that the Aboriginal Visitors Scheme has a regular and continuing presence at Melaleuca

Recommendation 22: Provide all staff and service providers with a comprehensive security induction prior to commencing work at Melaleuca

Recommendation 23: Develop clear guidelines for the transfer of prisoners from Melaleuca to Bandyup, prioritising their safety, welfare, health, and mental health care needs

Recommendation 24: Access external dental services or employ a dentist in-house

Recommendation 25: Increase the range and availability of psychological support services

Page last updated: June 28, 2018
117: Inspection of Melaleuca Remand and Reintegration Facility