1. The Department should undertake a comprehensive review of infrastructure and develop a plan to prioritise and address deficiencies, with particular attention to the areas identified in Table 1 and discussed throughout this report.

2. Develop a solution to address the issue of cell temperatures, particularly in winter.

3. Bandyup should offer choice for all lunch and dinner meals, including a vegetarian option.

4. The Department should provide dedicated safe single-bed accommodation options with appropriate amenities for pregnant women with different needs.

5. Establish a permanent coordination position for mothers-to-be, mothers and babies at Bandyup, and negotiate with the Department of Communities for an extension of the Family Links service across all the women’s facilities in Perth.

6. Build in and implement a stronger Aboriginal focus as part of the culturally safe model of health care in consultation with Aboriginal community-controlled health services.

7. Provide better access to preventative and restorative dental.

8. Consider options, such as increased staffing in the Crisis Care Unit, to provide a more therapeutic unit routine with an optimal level of socialisation and activity for its residents.

9. Strengthen training and support for the Peer Support Team and maintain effective Aboriginal participation.

10. Take steps to address shortages in access to education and training.

11. Explore opportunities for prisoners to have in-cell electronic devices to ensure access to digital education resources to facilitate study beyond education centre hours.

12. Ensure consistent staffing of the assessments team to prevent a backlog developing.

13. Implement an effective, holistic system of case management for women prisoners.

14. Revise program delivery methods and extend program delivery for women in custody.

15. Review options for improved and updated scanning and surveillance equipment at Bandyup, including internal CCTV coverage, use of body worn cameras, and non-intrusive body scanning technologies.

Read Agency Response

Page last updated: March 29, 2021
131: Inspection of Bandyup Women’s Prison