The inspection found that a good deal has improved at Bunbury since 2011 and it is a well-performing prison.

Local management and staff working in all areas are providing a generally safe, therapeutic and productive environment. The prison enjoys positive staff/prisoner relations, and this contributes to both security and safety. There are good services across most areas, including the provision of health services and offender programs. The industries and garden areas are highly productive and provide a reasonable level of employment-relevant training.

Although Bunbury is performing well, this report has identified a number of areas for improvement with respect to prison conditions and services. One of these is staff morale / culture. Unfortunately, while staff should be positive about the prison and take pride in what they have achieved, they appeared conflicted and over-negative. Addressing these issues is a shared responsibility, one for staff themselves as well as for local and head office management.

Page last updated: August 10, 2015
98: Report of an Announced Inspection of Bunbury Regional Prison