The inspection report made 16 recommendations relating to Banksia Hill:

  1. Develop and implement an operational philosophy for Banksia Hill.
  2. Implement a regular program of Youth Custodial Officer recruitment that accounts for known staff attrition rates.
  3. Deliver staff training without resorting to locking young people in cell.
  4. Use the half-and-half procedure whenever a young person is strip-searched at Banksia Hill.
  5. Build the new system for recording daily observations of young people into TOMS.
  6. Ensure that young people have regular opportunities to mix with their peers in other accommodation units.
  7. Revise the policy for managing girls to give them fairer access to self-care privileges.
  8. Ensure proper information flow between community youth justice services and Banksia Hill.
  9. Provide additional resources for the preparation of Detainee Management Reports.
  10. Ensure that program delivery to young people is based on risk and need.
  11. Implement a strategic plan for education services at Banksia Hill.
  12. Re-establish the Principal position and recruit a Principal to lead education services at Banksia Hill.
  13. Introduce a Protective Behaviours program as part of the school curriculum.
  14. Provide a separate education budget managed by the Principal.
  15. Review health service provision at Banksia Hill based on an analysis of the health needs of young people in detention.
  16. Prioritise the development of a purpose-built crisis care unit at Banksia Hill.
Page last updated: April 17, 2018
116: Inspection of Banksia Hill Detention Centre