Image of prisoner population count in Unit 1 B wing


In January 2020, Bandyup celebrated the 50th anniversary of its foundation. This inspection was conducted in May/June 2020 when Western Australia was emerging from the COVID-19 lockdown period. It required a different approach, one that minimised casual contact with staff and prisoners in the facility. In the three years since it’s last inspection, Bandyup had …

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Image of a mural on a sea container behind reception building at Bandyup Women's Prison


Bandyup is layered with a wide range of prisoner accommodation reflecting different construction trends and standards prevalent over its 50-year lifespan. Almost all prisoner accommodation is crowded, with rooms designed for single occupation being doubled-up. We have often commented on the substandard design of Unit 1, which, despite its recent refurbishment, has inadequate cell sizes …

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Image of crisis care with cell doors either side of the corridor

Key Findings

INTRODUCTION While the prison routine was modified due to COVID-19 restrictions, including cessation of contact visits, the prison was still full of life, with most areas functioning quite well. A comprehensive response to the pandemic was helping people feel safe. ENABLERS Bandyup’s senior management team was more stable and had implemented a business plan that …

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Image of a wall painting by a prisoner in the recreation centre


1. The Department should undertake a comprehensive review of infrastructure and develop a plan to prioritise and address deficiencies, with particular attention to the areas identified in Table 1 and discussed throughout this report. 2. Develop a solution to address the issue of cell temperatures, particularly in winter. 3. Bandyup should offer choice for all …

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