1. Ensure privacy of reception interviews.
2. Ensure that prisoners at Albany are provided with a thorough orientation, a properly printed orientation booklet, and contact with peer support.
3. Further develop peer supporters to be effective in their role.
4. Increase PCS staffing at Albany Regional Prison.
5. Albany Regional Prison must determine how a safe and decent protection regime can be provided, with better access to work and outdoor recreation, and restoration of cooking privileges.
6. Ensure women are transferred out of Albany in a timelier manner.
7. DoJ should minimise the presence of out of country remandees at Albany Regional Prison.
8. Albany Regional Prison should develop a strategy for remandees, to ensure they have adequate access to legal resources, can view evidence, and print legal materials; and to refine offerings in employment, education, training, and personal development.
9. Albany Regional Prison should develop a local order for foreign nationals, specifying: when professional interpreters must be used, communication provisions, and access to foreign language resources.
10. DoJ must take concerted measures to restore a harmonious work environment in the Health Centre at Albany Regional Prison.
11. Lift restrictions on in-cell recreational art and media that can be used.
12. Implement measures to increase meaningful employment for prisoners at Albany Regional Prison.
13. A second drug dog detection team should be deployed at Albany.
14. Albany Regional Prison should refine its drug strategy to include new measures and resources to reduce drug demand and harm for users.
15. Replace accommodation and management infrastructure in Unit 1 at Albany Regional Prison as a high priority.
16. Significantly expand or replace the reception centre at Albany Regional Prison.
17. Replace the medical centre with a facility meeting modern standards in health delivery, patient privacy and security, with adequate room for any growth in services.
18. Facilities for prisoner employment, training, education and programs should be significantly expanded.

Page last updated: August 14, 2018
118: Inspection of Albany Regional Prison