• Farm productivity was limited by lack of resources and investment. The lack of staff coverage on weekends exposed Pardelup and the Department to risks, particularly around animal welfare. We continue to argue that it makes good business sense to allow Pardelup to reinvest in the farm and gardens, enabling a more efficient and productive operation.
  • Custodial staffing shortages were a critical issue, driven primarily by the suspension of three prison officers pending an internal investigation that lasted around 12 months. For a small facility like Pardelup, the effect of a prolonged period with multiple positions unfilled was substantial.
  • The daily regime gave prisoners appropriate levels of autonomy and responsibility. However, in response to contraband finds, the prison reviewed the daily regime and restricted certain activities during the working day. This generated much discontent among prisoners, and we believe that Pardelup needs to ensure prisoners are meaningfully engaged with constructive activity during the day.
  • The flow-on effects of custodial staffing shortages were felt most strongly by Vocational and Support Officers who were regularly redeployed to cover custodial positions. This usually meant that prisoner workplaces were closed or ran at reduced capacity.
  • The pressure created by custodial staffing shortages contributed to a decline in staff morale, reflected in our staff survey and in our conversations with staff during the inspection. Much discontent among prison officers had also been generated by changes to human resources policy at a system-level.
  • Pardelup offered a meaningful range of recreation activities, but prisoner satisfaction with recreation was overshadowed by the restrictions on gymnasium use during the working day.
  • Assessments and case management continued to function well. There were some voluntary programs available but not enough options to help address addictions.
  • Education at Pardelup had benefited from the addition of an experienced Campus Manager to its staff. This had resulted in several valuable new initiatives and we strongly support the permanent establishment of the position.
Page last updated: October 3, 2022
144: Inspection of Pardelup Prison Farm