Recommendation 1

Implement plans for Stage Two of the Unit 4 redevelopment at Greenough Regional Prison as outlined in the Female Prisoners Plan 2012–2022.

Recommendation 2

Continue to prioritise and address infrastructure and maintenance needs at Greenough Regional Prison.

Recommendation 3

Appoint substantive occupants for all senior management positions at Greenough Regional Prison.

Recommendation 4

Ensure that a fair, transparent and defensible drug testing procedure is in place.

Recommendation 5

Fund and establish a properly equipped emergency command centre.

Recommendation 6

Increase involvement of peer support in reception, induction and orientation processes.

Recommendation 7

Implement measures to increase staff appreciation of the value of dealing with prisoner  grievances at the local level in order to improve prisoner confidence that grievances lodged in their unit will be resolved fairly and professionally.

Recommendation 8

Ensure that adequate resources are available to complete treatment assessments within Departmental timeframes at Greenough Regional Prison.

Recommendation 9

Implement a simpler and faster recruitment and appointment process for Vocational and Support Officers.

Recommendation 10

Ensure all Vocational and Support Officer positions are occupied in order to maximise meaningful employment for prisoners at Greenough Regional Prison.

Recommendation 11

Establish and recruit a third section 95 officer position.

Recommendation 12

Establish a temporary cultural meeting place.

Recommendation 13

A basic set of legal resources should be established and maintained in the library of each regional prison to provide general information about criminal law, court processes and how to access legal aid.

Recommendation 14

Prisoners intending to represent themselves in court should be identified during initial reception and orientation processes and offered a temporary or permanent transfer to an appropriate metropolitan prison to provide better access to the resources they need.

Read Agency Responses to Recommendations

Page last updated: October 6, 2014
83: An Announced Inspection of Greenough Regional Prison