• The conditions in the maximum-security unit were inhumane and degrading. Cells were crowded, with some prisoners sleeping on cell floors.
  • We were concerned that staff working in the administration building were being exposed to excessive mould that had built up in the air-conditioning vents.
  • The management team was too small to manage all prisoner services. Security processes appeared disorganised and presented a risk to the prison.
  • Staffing levels were too low to safely manage the prisoner population.
  • There were very few female officers working at Broome, and we also heard that sexist behaviour and language was occurring among the staffing group.
  • The prison regime did not meaningfully engage the majority of prisoners and prisoners were bored.
  • Work, education, programs, and skills development courses were limited or non-existent.
  • Opportunities for prisoners to engage in external work had declined and only three prisoners were working externally during the inspection.
  • There was no Prison Support Officer to help prisoners with welfare and support needs, and no Aboriginal Visitor Scheme (AVS) to assist with similar issues.
  • Women were isolated and marginalised; they were confined to their unit, with no access to active recreation; they had limited work opportunities and their visits area was unsuitable.
  • Prisoners felt that the staff did not understand their culture and staff felt their training was unhelpful in understanding and managing the specific Aboriginal prisoner groups in the Kimberley.
  • The Department failed to recognise Aboriginal kinship and cultural relationships, particularly when prisoners applied to attend a funeral.
  • Relationships between prisoners and staff were positive and respectful.
  • The amount of nursing coverage had improved since the last inspection, but there was no visiting GP, no health education, no dental service, and no ancillary services in the prison.
  • The case management function at Broome was not working well – only half of all prisoners had a case manager.
  • There were no rehabilitation programs running at Broome and no voluntary programs on offer.
  • There was no education available and no plans to reinstate education.
  • There was no Transitional Manager at Broome and very little support was offered to prisoners due for release.
Page last updated: November 2, 2017
112: Inspection of Broome Regional Prison