Since our last inspection three years ago Bunbury has successfully navigated a significant period of change and disruption. This included the construction of a 160-bed accommodation unit within the secure perimeter, which was managed without incident. The expansion project also included major kitchen refurbishments, the installation of a dining facility in Unit 2, two new classrooms in the education centre, and the re-opening of a previously mothballed minimum-security unit (Unit 5) for 37 prisoners. We thought this expansion project was managed exceptionally well by the stable and experienced leadership team at the prison.

We found though that conditions and services for Aboriginal prisoners could be better. Aboriginal prisoners were not proportionately represented in the most desirable employment, accommodation, gratuity levels and privileged regimes. We suggested that Bunbury do some work on understanding the drivers behind this issue. We also thought that life for foreign national and long-term prisoners at Bunbury could be improved.

Page last updated: April 29, 2021
134: Inspection of Bunbury Regional Prison