1. Ensure the additional necessary staff and services are funded and in place before re-opening Unit 5.
  2. Review the management structure and responsibilities at Bunbury.
  3. Improve engagement between security and staff.
  4. Increase resourcing for support services for the drug reduction strategy.
  5. Ensure staff and prisoners are fully informed about all aspects of the drug reduction strategy.
  6. Develop a strategy for managing remand prisoners.
  7. Increase nursing and GP coverage at Bunbury.
  8. Improve access to health services at Bunbury.
  9. Ensure treatment assessments are done on time.
  10. Ensure programs are sufficiently resourced to meet assessed need.
  11. Improve the visits facilities in the PRU by soundproofing the visits centre and introducing outside visits.
  12. Provide Skype in the PRU.
  13. Develop a specific roster for the PRU, and resource it with staff who are committed to the philosophy.
  14. Develop and implement a reintegration model for all prisoners, that starts when they first enter Bunbury, and includes clear targets and performance measures.
Page last updated: April 10, 2018
115: Inspection of Bunbury Regional Prison